
Organic Chaparral Salve

Discover the potent healing properties of our Chaparral Salve, specifically formulated to tackle deep-seated skin issues such as eczema, chronic athlete’s foot, and other persistent conditions. This salve harnesses the natural power of Chaparral, renowned for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, to provide effective and soothing skin relief.

Our Chaparral Salve is made with high-quality, organic ingredients, ensuring a pure and gentle product:

  • Organic Chaparral Leaves: Known for their strong antioxidant properties that help reduce skin irritation and inflammation.
  • Organic Olive Oil: A nourishing oil that moisturizes the skin and enhances the absorption of healing compounds.
  • Organic Coconut Oil: Provides a barrier on the skin to protect from moisture loss and infection, also known for its antimicrobial properties.
  • Washington Beeswax: Helps to seal in moisture and protect the skin, while also offering anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • Vitamin E: An antioxidant that supports skin healing and reduces UV damage.

This carefully crafted blend not only soothes the skin but also aids in the regeneration of damaged tissues, making it an ideal choice for those suffering from tough skin ailments. Whether you’re dealing with dry, itchy patches of eczema or fighting persistent fungal infections, our Chaparral Salve offers a natural, effective solution. Check out our Wild Harvested Chaparral Oil as well!