
Product Information

Transform Ease Essence Blend helps to shift emotional states related to metabolic imbalances – like anger and worry – to more balanced states of calm and ease with daily functioning. It facilitates transformational life processes – such as rapid spiritual growth, healing deep life learning situations, significant career changes, starting or ending a relationship, pregnancy or peri-menopause. Transform Ease is also a wonderful ally as our bodies adjust to Earth tectonic plate and energy grid shifts, electromagnetic shifts accompanying solar flares, and other solar system wide changes due to higher frequency upgrades. As you go through transformational changes, your body metabolizes differently and your ways of feeling, thinking, speaking, moving and being in the world change. You may experience flu-like symptoms, a type of spiritual flu – temperature swings, sweats, wired and tired, exhaustion, moodiness, headaches, dizziness, achiness, or a sense of general body stress. Transform Ease assists you to move through and integrate these spiritual, energetic, emotional, hormonal, mental and physical body changes with ease.
Transform Ease Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is made without essential oils. It is in a refreshing base of red shiso herb tea & organic white vinegar and comes with spray top, or the brandy base comes with a dropper top.

Transform Ease contains the following flower essences:

Spotted Coral Root – Harness the fuel created through the process of decomposing and releasing old emotional, hormonal and energetic patterns.  Instead of this excess heat/energy disrupting your body, use it to transform your moods and body chemistry to higher possibilities.

Red-Osier Dogwood – Cellular body cohesion during your evolutionary process.

Common Rush – Grounding and stability. Clears foggy headedness and out of body sensation.

Orange Wild Honeysuckle – Supports a deep body feeling of who you really are and are not. Retrains the nervous system towards peacefully engaging life.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose – Calibrates the unfolding of the Higher Heart chakra as it conducts higher frequency heart energy into your physical body.

Red Clover – Encourages peaceful ease while stepping into expanded states of consciousness.

Meadow Rue – Helps you reorient to your life stories from a place of higher consciousness. Works through the energy circuits that relate to the hippocampus  of the brain.

Moon Shadow Rose – Instead of chasing shadows of your past, release them and be open up to the lessons that can be gleaned.

Hot Tamale Rose – Centeredness in the midst of chaos while riding the transformational roller coaster.

Starflower – Remember we are star people; creator and player of the Universal Matrix; we are the ones we have been waiting for.

Chamomile (German) – Cultivates peaceful centeredness while resting in the heart of The-Divine-In-All.

Bloodroot –  Nudges out genetic lineage patterns to make way for the light of new potential.

Twinberry – Balances instinctive fear and autonomic functions as it works in the energy circuits relating to the brain stem to reformat chemical imprints that support poor communication between the body and brain.

Dandelion – Brings sunlight to the dark, dense or “wooden” cells of the liver and gallbladder.

Purple Monarda – Assists you to stay grounded, flexible, and open hearted while experiencing the “as above so below” transformation of your personal consciousness and the collective human consciousness.

Black Cohosh – Supports a playful approach to physical body changes as you age or your spiritual bodies evolve.

California Poppy – Reconfigures birth trauma that contributes to the sense of powerlessness, depression and anger.

Echinacea – Impulses letting go of old self-images that weaken your energies and create dis-ease.

Marshmallow – Aligns the cranial bones and supports whole brain functioning by bringing higher frequencies into the brain.

Trillium – Integrates your personal energy into the matrix of the universal All-That-Is.

Self Heal – Balances and aligns all of the chakras. Increases your ability to downloading high-level spiritual frequencies and integrate them into your physical body without feeling stressed. Facilitates grounding and moving into resonance with the Earth’s heartbeat.

Saskatoon – Facilitates communication between all parts of the brain to support whole brain integration and functioning with ease.

Valerian – Transforms raging wildfires under your subconscious skin into beneficial fire and the potential for growth.

Red-Flowering Currant – Ignites loving power in yourself to see and transform that which you most fear.

Mullein – Provides courage and tenderness while facing fear and overwhelm. Aligns the physical and etheric bodies.

Energetically Charged in a Crystal Matrix of:

Amethyst – is the stone of spirituality and contentment.  It enhances the cooperation between your mental, physical and emotional bodies and assists in the assimilation of new energies.

Bloodstone – is a stone of courage that helps you to recognize the beneficial aspects of turmoil before balance. It rebalances your base, sacral, navel and heart charkas, energy fields, and total body during the realignment of these energies.

Cavansite – helps you to perceive the lessons learned from past experiences, joyfully release those lessons move into the future with enthusiasm and optimism. Supports the flow of spiritual wisdom.

Chrysocolla – is balancing to the emotions and the mind, and encourages conscious communication. Promotes peace and joy, and has a special bond to the energies of the Earth.

Drusy Quartz – helps to energize and stabilize your energy fields.


Spray around your head and body, directly into your mouth or into drinking water 2 to 3 times per day or as needed any time you are experiencing transformational life processes.