
Discover the revitalizing power of our Elderberry Immunity Tea—a meticulously crafted blend that harnesses the natural strengths of elderberries, Siberian ginseng, astragalus root, hawthorn berries, rose hips, and a hint of cinnamon. Each sip delivers a symphony of flavors and a powerhouse of benefits designed to boost your immune system, reduce stress and enhance overall wellness.

Rich in antioxidants and bioactive compounds, our tea helps combat inflammation and supports heart health. Elderberries, known for their immune-boosting properties, pair wonderfully with astragalus root and Siberian ginseng to fortify your body’s defenses. The addition of hawthorn berries enriches the blend with cardiovascular benefits, while rose hips infuse it with a high vitamin C content, further enhancing its protective qualities.

Perfect for those looking to naturally support their immune system and maintain robust health, our Elderberry Immunity Tea is not just a beverage but a ritual to nurture your body and soul. Enjoy the deep, earthy notes balanced with subtle sweetness and spice, creating a soothing, enjoyable experience with every cup.

Be sure to decoct this tea (simmer it), or alternatively give it a 15 minute steep time, to get the most out of the roots and berries.

For further immune maintenance, check out our Winter Wellness Tea and our Anti-Viral Throat Spray!

Please be aware that the 16 ounce (1 pound) option has a 20% discount built into the priceNo further discount will show at checkout.