
Product Information

Calm Centered Clear is a blend of flower essences that work together to help you learn new information quickly and integrate both cognitive and energetic information with ease. If you feel worried or anxious when you are in new environments or learning new tasks, your nervous system may go on hyper alert making it diffucult to think clearly. Calm Centered Clear will be a helpful ally. It helps you to approach each new situation fresh without automatic associations and reactions, and to remain calm, embodied, with appropriate boundaries, confidant and at ease with yourself during this process. This blend has been supportive to students, teachers, body/energy workers, and business people. Helpful for ADD, ADHD and sensory integration.
Calm Centered Clear is also useful while traveling. Carry this handy spray and spritz it directly into your mouth, into a glass of drinking water, or mist it around your head any time you want to feel more calm, centered and clear.
Calm Centered Clear Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is made without essential oils. It is in a refreshing base of red shiso herb tea & organic white vinegar and comes with spray top, or the brandy base comes with a dropper top.

Calm Centered Clear contains the following flower essences:

Saskatoon – Facilitates communication between all parts of the brain to support whole brain integration and functioning with ease.
Pennyroyal – Provides strength to stand firmly in your center then relax as the perceived danger dissolves. Cycles through the fight/flight response.
Twinflower – Sensory integration. Calms the sense of overwhelm from external stimuli.
Lupine – Entrains your emotional memory with the possibility of personal peace.
Chamomile – Cultivates peaceful ease and connects you with The-Divine-In-All.  Calms the peripheral nervous system.
Golden Celebration Rose – Illumines a column of golden light through the center of your body, creating protection and joy from the inside out. Now Celebrate Life!!<
Woodland Strawberry – Helps to clear negative thinking by aligning your feelings and thoughts so they can pass through your mind freely.
Outrageous Rose – Facilitates communication between the two brain hemispheres by working through the energy circuits that relate the corpus callosum.
Meadow Rue – Helps you reorient to your life stories from a place of higher consciousness.  Works through the energy circuits that relate to the hippocampus of the brain.
Rattlesnake Plantain – Supports being totally comfortable and at home in your body through being grounded in Mother Earth.
Twinberry – Balances instinctive fear and autonomic functions as it works in the energy circuits relating to the brain stem to reformat chemical imprints that support poor communication between the body and brain.
Calendula – Strengthens and aligns the boundaries of each of your subtle bodies and strengthens and aligns the boundary between the astral plane and your subtle bodies.
Skullcap – Facilitates full integration of the spirit/soul with the physical body. Keeps the tether between spirit and body securely connected during out-of-body experiences.
Lavender – Sweet dreams are made by allowing thoughts to drift through your mind. Strengthens the boundary of your personal space.
Red Huckleberry – Creates order arising through the veil of disorder and confusion.

Common Rush – Clears foggy headedness and out of body sensations. Helps you to think more clearly.

Western Columbine – Instills a visceral body confidence for living a fully engaged and competent life.

Arnica – Helps to relieve shock from physical accident or emotional shock that is seated in the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual levels.

Energetically Charged in a Crystal Matrix of:

Black Obsidian –Assists you to be grounded deeply into the Earth while maintaining the integrity of your energy fields.
Charoite – Assists you to ground high frequency energies into daily life. It helps you to distinguish your issues from others, have appropriate boundaries and interpret physic impressions.
Drusy Quartz – Helps to energize and stabilize your energy fields.
Lapis – Provides objectivity and mental clarity while releasing emotions.  Helps you to be more organized in your daily life.
Red Jasper – Instills physical vitality, emotional balance and zest for life.
Smokey Quartz with Chlorite inclusions–A grounding stone that enhances attention to the moment. It gently dissolves emotional blockages, and aligns the physical body with the etheric body leading to mind and energy balance. Chlorite brings grounding with inner balance and wellbeing.


Spray top: 1 or 2 sprays orally 2 or 3 times per day.
Dropper top: 2 or 3 drops 2 or 3 times per day.