Product Information
Care of SOS Flower Remedy:
S.O.S. contains the following flower essences:
Arnica – Helps to relieve shock from physical accident or emotional shock that is seated in the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual levels.
Pennyroyal – Provides strength to stand firmly in your center then relax as the perceived danger dissolves. Cycles through the fight/flight response.
Common Rush – Grounding and stability. Clears foggy headedness and out of body sensations. Helps you to think more clearly.
Self Heal – Balances and aligns all of the chakras. Increases your ability to downloading high-level spiritual frequencies and integrate them into your physical body without feeling stressed. Facilitates grounding and moving into resonance with the Earth’s heartbeat.
White Yarrow – Sets up a white light protection and integrates higher vibrational influences into the central nervous system.
Devil’s Club – Provides solace to those who are world-weary. Turns thorns into a healing balm.
Calendula – Provides a sense of peaceful safety by creating electromagnetically strong boundaries. Filters psychic intrusion.
Comfrey – Aids in the healing of wounds so deep and traumatic that they affect your soul’s journey. Encourages feeling safe in your body.
Mock Orange – Draws out emotional residue and clears your cells.
Golden Celebration Rose – Illumines a column of golden light, from the top of your head through the center of your body to the bottom of your feet, creating protection from the inside out.
Pacific Bleeding Heart – Supports compassion for yourself and others. Wrap your self in the pink light of Divine Love, let go of fear, and be safely at peace in your Heart’s Home.
Dwarf Rose – Aligns and balances the cerebral spinal fluid which helps you feel centered, grounded and embodied.
Clary Sage – Helps you to see clearly the next steps along your life’s journey. Supports “etheric seeing.”
Purple Passion Rose – Aids in releasing interwoven karmic patterns.
Borage – Transforms sorrow and depression into heart-centered conscious speech.
Energetically Charged In a Crystal Matrix of:
Amber – Cleanses and heals your energy fields, and helps you filter out psychic negativity. Helps you connect with Beings of Light, especially those on Earth.
Aquamarine – Calms fear, hysteria and grief, and releases attachment to old ways of being. It encourages clear communication.
Black Onyx – helps you to absorb energies that you need from the universe, grounding them with focused energy and appropriate use of power into a positive force. It fosters inner strength, focused attention, and efficiency.
Inca (Green Nephrite) Jade – Soothes and heals your emotional heart center, and strengthens the physical and energetic bodies. It encourages you to delight in life, this time of being Spirit in the world of matter.
Drusy Quartz – helps to energize and stabilize your energy fields.