• Product Information

    Spiritual Spine Essence Blend aligns your physical spine with the energies of spiritual spine. It instills courage, fortitude, and flexibility during tumultuous times. It encourages having the “backbone” to stay grounded during chaos while accessing personal peace and compassionate equanimity. It aligns your chakras, and keeps you connected energetically to Mother Earth’s energy fields while experiencing your multidimensional Self. Spiritual Spine supports you to stand in your power and see through the illusion of the collective fear, to sense what feelings are yours and what are not. Then to compassionately and gently release what is not yours. All the while being able to function in your daily life. Spiritual Spine is a paradigm shifter.  For example, instead of standing in line desperately waiting to buy iodine tables in case of possible nuclear exposure, it encourages you to send your love to the people, animals, nature beings, waters, lands and air that have been devastated by an actual disaster. It syncs a compassionate heart with practical action.
    Spiritual Spine Flower Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is made without essential oils.  It is in a refreshing base of red shiso herb tea with organic white vinegar with a spray top or a base of brandy with a dropper top.

    Spiritual Spine contains the following flower and tree essences:

    Western Red Cedar Tree - Spiritual spine. Seeing through the veil of illusion Self-Heal - Balances and aligns all of the chakras. Increases your ability to downloading high-level spiritual frequencies and integrate them into your physical body without feeling stressed. Facilitates grounding and moving into resonance with the Earth’s heartbeat. Garry Oak Tree - Ancient wisdom for knowing how to journey through alternate dimensions in a healthy and cohered way, then returning to ordinary reality with ease Pacific Dogwood - Works from the spiritual to personal energy fields laying in a new nervous system blueprint that can accommodate higher frequencies.  This calms the sense of "shattering". Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid - Supports being totally comfortable and at home in your body through being grounded in Mother Earth. Golden Celebration Rose - Illumines a column of golden light through the center of your body, creating protection from the inside out.  Now Celebrate Life!! Grand Fir tree - Works in the energy circuits that relate to the pre-frontal cortex (frontal lobes) of the brain to support presence, focus and attention outside of time. It helps you to transcend individuality and seek oneness with Everything! Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree - Encourages you to relax into a sense of complete calm, safety and serenity with Grandmother’s outstretched arms surrounding, protecting and nurturing you. Pathfinder - Correlates the link between the ley lines of the Earth, the organ energy meridians of the human body, and the cosmic pathways of light and sound Marshmallow - Aligns the cranial bones and supports whole brain functioning by bringing higher frequencies into the brain Sweet Valentine Rose - Works through all of the energy fields out to the 9th layer boundary soothing intrusions, irritations and disturbances.  Strengthening the connection of the heart chakra through all of the energy fields, and engenders forgiveness. Has a grounding influence Pearly Everlasting - Through the outer boundary (9th layer) of your energy fields, your 3rd eye, crown and star chakras, resonate with the Divine song of the Universe. Restores cellular memory of Divine Awareness and impulses release of anything in the way of this Twinberry - Balances instinctive fear and autonomic functions as it works in the brain stem to reformat chemical imprints that support poor communication between the body and brain Cooley’s Hedge Nettle - Sorting emotionally from a place of higher consciousness.  Honoring all parties in the dynamic as spirit having a human experience. Starflower - Remember we are star people; creator and player of the Universal Matrix; we are the ones we have been waiting for Trillium - Integrates your personal energy into the matrix of the universal All-That-Is Spirea - Pull down your protections and live from your heart with compassionate equanimity.  Balances all of the chakras, the cerebral spinal fluid and the cranial bones after an expansion experience Skullcap - Facilitates full integration of the spirit/soul with the physical body. Soapberry - Washes clean a fear of the natural world and encourages you to delight in nature.  Clears and balances the back of the 3rd eye chakra, the recently opened occipital chakra, the back of the throat chakra and the back of the Higher Heart chakra which aligns physical structure and facilitates information intake through this area Dwarf Wild Rose - Helps you feel centered, grounded and embodied.  Balances cerebral spinal fluid Chocolate Lily - Drink up Earth Light from the root of your spine and connect deeply with our Mother Earth.  Loosens anger and structural tension in the pelvic/hip area Red-Osier Dogwood - Cellular body cohesion during your evolutionary process Goat’s Beard - Supports being an open-hearted, grounded and relaxed human animal easily handling the flow of daily happenings. Garnet Hollyhock - Gateway leading through the heart dimension to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and to other Galaxies. Purest Buddha Nature Lily of the Valley - All is in divine order; facilitates reconnection of the energetic pathways that hold the codes of being a multi-dimensional human. Aids experiencing calm and acceptance in the moment. Douglas Fir Tree - Stand in your own power, solidly rooted in your legs. Ground your ideas and confidently step out with practical action.

    Energetically Charged in a Crystal Matrix of:

    Drusy Quartz - Energizes and stabilizes your energy fields. Golden Topaz – Teaches you the benefit of emotional boundaries and honoring sacred space. Instills a joyful acceptance and understanding of how Divine Will operates. Icosahedron Cut Quartz – Has 20 (5X4) equilateral sides. It is a bridge between the 5th Dimension - the entry into the unified Spiritual realms - and the 4 cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) on Earth. Jeffrey’s Quartz – Provides strong amplification properties and long distance healing abilities. Moldavite – Formed as part of meteorites that fell to Earth more than 15 million years ago.  It serves the inhabitants of Earth by facilitating strong, clear, and direct interdimensional interconnectedness between your consciousness and the higher planes of Light. Spirit Quartz (citrine with amethyst) - Clears blockages in the solar plexus chakra that hold the “shoulds” and “should nots” of your upbringing. It assists you to feel more empowered and physically vital, and supports you to manifest the goals of your Higher Self.


    Spray top: 1 or 2 sprays orally 2 or 3 times per day. Dropper top: 2 or 3 drops 2 or 3 times per day.Can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is made without essential oils. Click here for more information on the red shiso and vinegar preservative base.
    Spiritual Spine Essence Blend (30 ml/ 1 ounce bottle)
  • Product Information

    Create what you want to manifest! This flower essence blend helps you come into alignment with the highest purpose for your current process or project. It assists you to move through the following steps and stages:
    • Become clear about what you want to create
    • See what stands in your way
    • Align your thinking, emotions and body with what you want
    • Move past family lineage and societal conditioning
    • Remember who you really are and why you want to engage in this process or project
    • Transfer ideas and intentions from outside of time into grounded action within time. This includes developing specific measurable goals with a timeline
    • Regularly affirm your intentions and goals by reading them, ritual, etc.
    • Relax, trust and create with confidence, gentleness, joy and gratitude
    • Yet be willing to let go of your plans and flow with what is unfolding. Sometimes your conscious mind isn’t aware of the bigger picture that your higher dimensional aspects are in the process of revealing
    • Say thank you and graciously receive what you, as a multi-dimensional
    Being, have created
    Manifest Flower Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is made without essential oils.  It is in a refreshing base of red shiso herb tea with organic white vinegar with a spray top or a base of brandy with a dropper top.

    Manifest contains the following flower essences:

    Camas Lily – Encouragement for thinking and speaking what you desire and want to create.
    Blackcap Raspberry – Brings to awareness and moves through ingrained patterns that block your ability to present yourself and your unique gifts to the world.
    Clary Sage – Assists clearly envisioning what you want for your life, the next step or a project. Supports clearly receiving and interpreting psychic impressions.
    Tropical Sunset Rose - Facilities heart-felt communication circulating inside your body and outside to the larger system of the world around you.
    San Juan Mugwort – Supports experiencing how spiritual dimensions interface with 3D reality.
    White Fawn Lily  - Encourages humility, deep introspection and reverence for all life.  Then lift your head, soften your eyes, open your arms and radiate Peace from your heart.
    Crocosmia – Inspires playful confidence with yourself, in groups and in the larger arena of your life.
    Western Columbine - Instills a visceral body confidence for living a fully engaged and competent life.
    Thimbleberry - Cultivates engaging daily life with joy and gratitude without being attached to the circumstances or a specific outcome.
    Trillium - Integrates your personal energy into the matrix of the universal All-That-Is.
    Black Gooseberry - Search your inner counsel for the truth of your deepest wisdom.  Access that wisdom emanating from the core of your Being.
    Meadow Rue – Helps you reorient to your life stories from a place of higher consciousness.
    Saskatoon - Facilitates communication between all parts of the brain to support whole brain integration and functioning with ease.
    Stinging Nettle - Support for coming out of the fog of living in a way that can't support our true Being. Aids in making clear life choices.
    Douglas Fir Tree - Stand in your own power, solidly rooted in your legs. Ground your ideas and confidently step out with practical action
    Starflower - Remember we are star people; creator and player of the Universal Matrix; we are the ones we have been waiting for.
    Salmonberry – Supports willingness to choose the next clear direction life offers even when you imagine it will never work.
    Coltsfoot - Encourages unbridled joy for new adventures.
    Red Huckleberry - Facilitates the mental processes of thinking and planning.
    Osoberry – Aligns you with the ability to embody your larger purpose for this lifetime while staying grounded and centered amidst the various activities and responsibilities of your daily life.
    Bloodroot - Nudges out genetic lineage patterns to make way for the light of new potential.
    Oregon Grape – Releases the habit of valuing yourself in relationship to others.
    Purple Monarda – Assists with directly receiving information from the spiritual realms and with shifting your attitudes, belief systems and behaviors to be more in sync with the upgrades in human consciousness.
    Outrageous Rose - Facilitates coordinated communication between the two brain hemispheres.  This facilitates translating ideas into action.

    Energetically Charged in a Crystal Matrix of:

    Amethyst & Citrine Spirit Quartz – Aligns and assists your Higher Self to manifest through your Earth-based human self.  The Amethyst helps you to understand and express knowledge and wisdom coming from your Higher Self.  The Citrine works through the solar plexus chakra, encouraging you to act from the will of your Higher Self.
    Golden Topaz – Activates manifesting your desires in accordance with your highest good, while respecting the desires and boundaries of those around you.
    Inca (Green Nephrite) Jade – Encourages you to delight in life, this time of being Spirit in the world of matter. And it connects you with the spiritual processes of creating and manifesting true abundance into the material realm.
    Ruby – Brings life force, courage and enthusiasm to your body and life by clearing the root chakra. Activates the heart chakra toward spiritual wisdom, health and knowledge.  Encourages you to follow your bliss.
    Drusy Quartz – helps to energize and stabilize your energy fields.


    Carry this handy spray and mist around head and body, spray into mouth or drinking water 2 to 3 times per day or as needed when you want to support the process of manifesting.
    Manifest Flower Remedy Blend (30 ml/ 1 ounce bottle):
  • Product Information

    Create what you want to manifest! This flower essence blend helps you come into alignment with the highest purpose for your current process or project. It assists you to move through the following steps and stages:
    • Become clear about what you want to create
    • See what stands in your way
    • Align your thinking, emotions and body with what you want
    • Move past family lineage and societal conditioning
    • Remember who you really are and why you want to engage in this process or project
    • Transfer ideas and intentions from outside of time into grounded action within time. This includes developing specific measurable goals with a timeline
    • Regularly affirm your intentions and goals by reading them, ritual, etc.
    • Relax, trust and create with confidence, gentleness, joy and gratitude
    • Yet be willing to let go of your plans and flow with what is unfolding. Sometimes your conscious mind isn’t aware of the bigger picture that your higher dimensional aspects are in the process of revealing
    • Say thank you and graciously receive what you, as a multi-dimensional
    Being, have created
    Manifest Flower Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is made without essential oils.  It is in a refreshing base of red shiso herb tea with organic white vinegar with a spray top or a base of brandy with a dropper top.

    Manifest contains the following flower essences:

    Camas Lily – Encouragement for thinking and speaking what you desire and want to create.
    Blackcap Raspberry – Brings to awareness and moves through ingrained patterns that block your ability to present yourself and your unique gifts to the world.
    Clary Sage – Assists clearly envisioning what you want for your life, the next step or a project. Supports clearly receiving and interpreting psychic impressions.
    Tropical Sunset Rose - Facilities heart-felt communication circulating inside your body and outside to the larger system of the world around you.
    San Juan Mugwort – Supports experiencing how spiritual dimensions interface with 3D reality.
    White Fawn Lily  - Encourages humility, deep introspection and reverence for all life.  Then lift your head, soften your eyes, open your arms and radiate Peace from your heart.
    Crocosmia – Inspires playful confidence with yourself, in groups and in the larger arena of your life.
    Western Columbine - Instills a visceral body confidence for living a fully engaged and competent life.
    Thimbleberry - Cultivates engaging daily life with joy and gratitude without being attached to the circumstances or a specific outcome.
    Trillium - Integrates your personal energy into the matrix of the universal All-That-Is.
    Black Gooseberry - Search your inner counsel for the truth of your deepest wisdom.  Access that wisdom emanating from the core of your Being.
    Meadow Rue – Helps you reorient to your life stories from a place of higher consciousness.
    Saskatoon - Facilitates communication between all parts of the brain to support whole brain integration and functioning with ease.
    Stinging Nettle - Support for coming out of the fog of living in a way that can't support our true Being. Aids in making clear life choices.
    Douglas Fir Tree - Stand in your own power, solidly rooted in your legs. Ground your ideas and confidently step out with practical action
    Starflower - Remember we are star people; creator and player of the Universal Matrix; we are the ones we have been waiting for.
    Salmonberry – Supports willingness to choose the next clear direction life offers even when you imagine it will never work.
    Coltsfoot - Encourages unbridled joy for new adventures.
    Red Huckleberry - Facilitates the mental processes of thinking and planning.
    Osoberry – Aligns you with the ability to embody your larger purpose for this lifetime while staying grounded and centered amidst the various activities and responsibilities of your daily life.
    Bloodroot - Nudges out genetic lineage patterns to make way for the light of new potential.
    Oregon Grape – Releases the habit of valuing yourself in relationship to others.
    Purple Monarda – Assists with directly receiving information from the spiritual realms and with shifting your attitudes, belief systems and behaviors to be more in sync with the upgrades in human consciousness.
    Outrageous Rose - Facilitates coordinated communication between the two brain hemispheres.  This facilitates translating ideas into action.

    Energetically Charged in a Crystal Matrix of:

    Amethyst & Citrine Spirit Quartz – Aligns and assists your Higher Self to manifest through your Earth-based human self.  The Amethyst helps you to understand and express knowledge and wisdom coming from your Higher Self.  The Citrine works through the solar plexus chakra, encouraging you to act from the will of your Higher Self.
    Golden Topaz – Activates manifesting your desires in accordance with your highest good, while respecting the desires and boundaries of those around you.
    Inca (Green Nephrite) Jade – Encourages you to delight in life, this time of being Spirit in the world of matter. And it connects you with the spiritual processes of creating and manifesting true abundance into the material realm.
    Ruby – Brings life force, courage and enthusiasm to your body and life by clearing the root chakra. Activates the heart chakra toward spiritual wisdom, health and knowledge.  Encourages you to follow your bliss.
    Drusy Quartz – helps to energize and stabilize your energy fields.


    Carry this handy spray and mist around head and body, spray into mouth or drinking water 2 to 3 times per day or as needed when you want to support the process of manifesting.
    Manifest Flower Remedy Blend (30 ml/ 1 ounce bottle):
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